Financing a knock down rebuild can have its challenges and that is why you need to involve experts from the start.
Berstan Homes in combination with its broker partners have been able to have successful outcomes for hundreds of their clients. It is very important to get the correct financial advice before any works are carried out. Having your finance sorted is a major step towards your dream home being built.
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Knock down rebuild
Knock down rebuild Macleod
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
With the cost of a knock down rebuild starting at around the same cost of a new home in a housing estate its little wonder clients of ours are opting to rebuild homes with us.
Macleod is typical of older Melbourne suburbs with plenty of plus features. Easy access to public transport, schooling and shopping precincts.
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Knock down rebuild for the future
Friday, February 20, 2015
I have been advising a few clients lately to make space at the rear of their properties to fit another dwelling in the future. Some of our clients have been a little tight for finance lately to complete a two home build with their knock down rebuild project.
So my advice was to build one home as close to the front boundary with enough space for a rear access driveway for easy second home access. By doing several simple items
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Knock down rebuild for profit
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Many issues need to be considered when doing your budgets for a knock down rebuild I have listed some below:
Land size
Street setbacks
Cost of land
Area growth
Tax implications
Street scape
These items are all pivotal components in the knock down rebuild process to returning you a profit.
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Knock down rebuild land cost
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Knock down rebuild land cost
Buying property with the intention of a knock down rebuild needs to be carefully thought out and here is a handy tip.
Do not over spend stick to your budget; this can be harder than most would think when in the heat of the auction battle.
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Buying a knock down rebuild site
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
What to look for when buying a knock down rebuild site and costs:
The construction of two double storey homes around 25 square each
The cost of the two homes would be around $650 to $700k including subdivision, surveying, design, demolition, planning, engineering, soil testing and all fees from start to finish.
Some areas you could be looking at are Doncaster, Blackburn, Vermont, Donvale, Ringwood and Reservoir is also worth a look.
Size of land would need to be a
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Knock down rebuild
Friday, October 17, 2014
Knock down rebuild.
Many home owners are caught in an awkward position, they love the area where they have lived for many years, however their houses are no longer suited to them. So what are their options? Move and buy a new home or buy an existing home, the problems is that new homes (and old) come with issues and both attract agents costs and stamp duties. One of the biggest difficulties is moving to a new suburb and loosing
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Knock down rebuild Park Orchards
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
We are currently costing up a knock down rebuild project in Park Orchards. The existing old home on the lot was constructed in the 1960s and ready for a knock down rebuild. As the client was quoted recently, for the renovation and extension to the existing home with prices around $500k. and are looking at spending around $430k, they were wondering if this price was achievable for a 42 square designer home. Including the demolition of the existing home and
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Knock down rebuilds Templestowe Lower
Monday, October 06, 2014
We have been seeing strong enquiry of late from clients interested in costings for knock down rebuilds in Templestowe and Templestowe Lower lately. With so many residents getting to retirement age in the area it is little wonder they want to cash in their land investment and down size.
With average price for townhouse around $800k plus for 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 2 car townhouses a knock down rebuild is proving to be a real solution heading into retirement.
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