Knock down rebuild

Knock down rebuild set backs

Thursday, February 26, 2015
There are many factors and considerations that need to be investigated when proposing a knock down rebuild. One major item that is often overlooked by purchasers is the setbacks of the joining properties dwellings.  The setbacks of the neighbouring properties will determine the front setback for your new build. The existing setbacks if too large can in some cases impact the ability to build a second dwelling at the rear of the proposed knock down rebuild site, which would have
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Knock down rebuild Seaford

Monday, February 23, 2015
Berstan Homes has just been awarded a knock down rebuild in Seaford. The Home was extensively damaged by fire prior to Christmas and will need to be demolished, luckily no on was hurt.  The home we are building on site will be a custom design with some unique requests by our client in regards to acoustics. An only true way to have a design you can call your own is a custom designed home.
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Knock down rebuild for the future

Friday, February 20, 2015
I have been advising a few clients lately to make space at the rear of their properties to fit another dwelling in the future. Some of our clients have been a little tight for finance lately to complete a two home build with their knock down rebuild project.  So my advice was to build one home as close to the front boundary with enough space for a rear access driveway for easy second home access. By doing several simple items
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Knock down rebuild council problems

Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Many people make the mistake of trying to do the pre-works and council liaison for a knock down rebuild on their own and most find out the hard way these works are not for the inexperienced.  I strongly recommend all knock down rebuild pre-works should be handled by the experts and ultimately the whole process will be relatively effortless. The best way to deal with council planners is to employ a company that uses planners to do all the dealing
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Knock down rebuild attached or not.

Monday, February 16, 2015
Very often asked the question is, should we build a development with a party wall or not. There are many advantages to building homes with a party wall, however something to consider is your potential buyers may not be so happy with having one.
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Knock down rebuild locations

Friday, February 13, 2015
Consideration needs to be applied in regards to the location of a knock down rebuild before purchasing the land. The is no point having the best house in the worst street and the surrounding homes in the area will just detract value from your build.  When selecting a location for a knock down rebuild I always advise clients to consider areas that have already had some similar developments. By applying this strategy your knock down rebuild will have a better
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Knock down rebuild growth area

Wednesday, February 11, 2015
One factor many seem to overlook with a knock down rebuild site purchase is the areas growth,  An easy way of checking the growth of an area is to join up to a company such as RP Data, of course there are many others.Companies like RP Data specialise in providing growth statistics of areas.  An area with steady growth is in my opinion the best area to consider a knock down rebuild instead of an area with high growth. 
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Knock down rebuild marketing

Monday, February 02, 2015
When considering knock down rebuild multi-site development research needs to be undertaken as to what is selling in the area. This can save a lot of additional holding costs by building a market fit property. Many areas have different builds and designs that are unique to that particular area.
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