Choosing the right new home builder for you can be a difficult process for many clients.
I have compiled the following check list:
Cheapest price will get you the cheapest build with probable costly hidden extras.
Are there any disputes with this builder in VCAT?
Are they a DB-U Licensed Builder registration?
How long have they been in business?
Are you able to see a similar home on display?
How many homes do they build a year?
Do you get
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Home building in my suburb
Articles discussing the range of different demands and issues for home builders in different suburbs.
New home builder
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Buying a home and land package can seem a little daunting and that is why you need a builder with a steady and confident approach to guide you along the way. Our process at Berstan homes starts with helping you work out your budget and financing requirements using one of our financial experts. Once the budget is realised for your home and land package we then assist you choose one of our homes and any customisation to the home as
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Home Builder 1
Monday, June 27, 2016
Keeping warm is not easy with the current arctic blast we have experienced in Melbourne over the last few days. If you own an older existing home it’s especially difficult with most not even having any insulation and extremely poor energy efficiency.
Construction practises and energy rating requirements have certainly changed substantially over the years. The inclusion of high quality energy efficient building materials and installation methods are saving new home owners significant energy costs.
The inclusion of double glazing is a
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Builder Bellfield
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Over the weekend I met up with some ladies looking around for building ideas for their development in Bellfield. When we started discussing the project their concerns were made very evident their chosen designers had not listened to their requests.
I have often heard this happening and this practice seems very common with many of my clients that embark on doing their own planning works outside my company.
On discussing their project further I discovered that they were not even
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Builder Glen Waverley
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
We have just completed the demolition works at one of our knock down rebuilds in Glen Waverley and this site had an interesting problem.
This particular site had a covenant condition on its title only allowing a single dwelling to be constructed luckily our clients were happy to build one home.
Always when looking for land to develop have a keen eye for covenants on titles because if discovered after you purchase the property it's too late.
Applying to change
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Builder Bentleigh
Wednesday, June 01, 2016
Berstan Homes are currently about to start another dual occupancy in Bentleigh. Berstan Homes are finding Bentleigh to be a very popular area for knock down rebuilds and dual occupancies are certainly the flavour of the time.
Most clients are selling one of the homes and retaining the other for themselves and considering the age of the houses in the Bentleigh it is little wonder our clients choose the knock down new build option. By doing a knock down new build it
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