Many of our clients ask for timber or tiled floors? My answer is simple, tiles are cold and very unforgiving and if anything falls onto them, say goodbye
in most cases.
Timber is warmer and a lot more comfortable under foot.
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Design and decoration
Custom builder Doncaster
Friday, July 12, 2019
Yes winter is certainly here and those with tiles on the floors would really be feeling cold feet. The solution is to use timber flooring as it is not
only warming but it looks better as well.
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New Home Builder
Tuesday, July 04, 2017
Choosing flooring is one of the most important decisions to make when building a new home. Today, there are many more choices available than just
carpet or timber flooring and some of those choices are more cost efficient. It’s very popular in Australia to install hard flooring in the living
and hall areas for easy cleaning and indoor/outdoor living. Traditionally, timber flooring has been the first choice, but modern methods of tiling,
and other more sustainable materials have become more prevalent. The cheapest floor
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Stairs can make the entrance of a home
Tuesday, September 06, 2016
Most double story homes have their staircase positioned at the front of the home and usually the first feature when entering the home. Stairs can be an opportunity to make a statement. They add light and open up the house, so it’s worth putting some extra time into the design and style to make sure the entrance has impact.
There are so many different styles of staircases and making them a main feature of the home is not as expensive
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Advantages of Bamboo Flooring
Friday, August 05, 2016
Stunning and warm are the words that come to my mind when visualizing a Bamboo floor.
Bamboo has so much to offer it’s easy to clean, comes in many different colours and cost effective in comparison to other timber flooring. Bamboo is very easy to install and is harder than most timber flooring alternatives. Bamboo is less likely to split and warp in comparison to other timber flooring options.
A major advantage with Bamboo is it comes fully finished without
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Bamboo flooring in new homes
Wednesday, October 01, 2014
Berstan Homes is now selling and installing Bamboo flooring to nearly 40% of all new homes built. It has been a great success since Berstan Homes has introduced the Bamboo flooring range as a selection choice.
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