Many living in Mitcham would be thinking what it would be like to have a new home and maybe for free!
If you own land in Mitcham the chances are that the land you own would be large enough to accommodate a dual occupancy development.
By doing a knock down new build dual occupancy and selling one of the home off you could very well have a new home for free.
How do you find out more?
Call Berstan Homes
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Home building in my suburb
Articles discussing the range of different demands and issues for home builders in different suburbs.
Builder Heathmont
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Vacant land in Heathmont and surrounding suburbs is virtually non-existent and it is this scarcity combined with the strong demand for property in these suburbs, that has seen the emergence of the ' knock down and rebuild ' phenomenon.
At Berstan Homes we offer a full design and construction team ready for any challenge to make your dream home a reality. Berstan Homes are a home building company able to take your project from start to a quality finished home.
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Builder Park Orchard
Friday, February 12, 2016
With most homes in the Park Orchards area being the age they are requiring more and more maintenance it would make sense to do a knock down rebuild.
By doing a knock down rebuild it gives you the perfect way of having the dream home you have always wanted.
Berstan Homes are able to handle everything in the process from council planning through to the building of your brand new home.
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Builder Oak Park
Thursday, February 11, 2016
There are plenty of properties within the Oak Park area being knockdown and rebuilt creating a more appealing landscaping of modern design. With the absence of available land throughout the inner city suburbs it makes sense to renew with a knock down rebuild a single dwelling or even a dual occupancy.
The whole process can be very difficult and there are plenty of hoops the councils make you jump through so you need to choose a builder like Berstan Homes
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Builder Wonga Park
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
If you're looking into a knock down rebuild in Wonga Park Berstan Homes would need to be considered with their custom building experience.
Berstan Homes offer a complete service from start to finish and with having everything in house the whole process is effortless.
Deciding to have a knock down rebuild then building your dream home should be a great experience not full of stress and headache call Berstan Homes today for the first steps towards your new home build.
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Builder Mont Albert
Tuesday, February 09, 2016
Let Berstan Homes take the Headaches associated with the whole knockdown rebuild process off your hands, so you can concentrate on your field of expertise.
Berstan Homes are knockdown rebuild specialists and have a team of professionals able to take on any project from start to finish.
If you are in Mont Albert and looking for a French provincial or a modernistic home design Berstan Homes have their own designers specialising in custom design builds.
Mont Albert being an older
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Builder Plenty
Friday, February 05, 2016
Plenty is fast becoming an in suburb there is only one problem the houses are in most cases old and in bad need of a makeover.
Large renovations are nearly always higher in cost than a knock down new build, so it's worth looking closely at the figures before a renovation happens.
Berstan Homes offers a complete service from planning and council liaison to home builds completion.
Berstan Homes only build a set number of homes a year and this
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Builder Doncaster
Thursday, February 04, 2016
Berstan Homes Doncaster's premier home building company specializing in Knock down rebuilds and dual occupancy developments.
We have a team of expert's designers, engineers, surveyors, arborists, landscape designers, planners and our Directors Mark & Paul Bryson both registered building practitioners.
Call Berstan Homes today for an informative talk about what's possible to build on your piece of Doncaster land.
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Builder Essendon
Tuesday, February 02, 2016
Supply and demand is the key driving force in the property market and location, location, location. The strongest demand tends to be in inner city areas such as Essendon, with buyers attracted to proximity to major amenities including the CBD, entertainment precincts and so much more.
The cost of land is high and the houses in the area in many cases are poor in design and functionality with appalling energy ratings. These reasons above lead buyers as well as owners
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Home builder Vermont
Friday, January 29, 2016
The age of the homes in Vermont are starting be an issue for maintenance and costing their owners plenty.
A cost effective alternative for the home owners in Vermont would be a dual occupancy or evening building a second home in the backyard for investment or sale.
The costs for the development are usually covered by the sale of the second property or rent the property out for a passive income solution.
Berstan Homes offer a complete service from start
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