Customer Testimonials

Feedback from some of Berstan's happy customers.

Joanna and Andy

Thursday, March 12, 2015
Berstan were able to accommodate any unique requests that they had. Jo and Any were overseas for most of the build but were surprised at how easy the process was to manage remotely. Berstan Homes took care of every little detail and made sure they moved into the home that they imagined. Berstan Homes made the building process seem easy.
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John and Amanda

Thursday, March 12, 2015
John and Amanda were very happy with Berstan's personal service, right from the initial point of contact right through to the end. It was smooth sailing for the entire build. Berstan promised that they would have the best house in the street and as John and Amanda testify, that is what they got. Berstan were more than happy to take their time to answer any questions that they had. They were good with the little things which helped a lot.
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